Ahad, 12 Disember 2010

Long Boat Stamp

Long Boat

The Long Boat is fashioned out of a log that is split lengthwise into two and then carved into the shap of a boat. The inside surface is gouged out from the bow to the keel to make a sufficiently large hole to accommodate up to four or five boatmen. The long boat is used by riverside dwellers as a means of transportation to carry passengers and daily necessities.

Long-Tailed Porcupine (Trichys lipura)

Long-Tailed Porcupine (Trichys lipura)

The Long-Tailed Porcupine (Trichys lipura) is the smallest of the four Malaysian Porcupine species and can be mistaken at a glance for an oversized rat - until one notices the large tuft of stiff hairs at the end of its long tail. The Large Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) on the other hand is a large species growing up to 7 kg in weight. Porcupines are largely nocturnal animals and are peaceful unless provoked by a predator into using their sharp quills in self-defence. Both of these porcupines can be found throughout Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.

While some of these animals, such as the Large Spotted Civets , may still be relatively common, few are privileged enough to see others like the Hairy-Nosed Otter of Yellow-Throated Marten in the wild. These mammal species are all protected by law, in order to conserve a truly worthwhile part of Malaysia's natural heritage.

600th Anniversary of Malaysia - China Relationship


Besides barter trading, coins and other forms of money were extensively used in 15th Century Malacca. Early Chinese merchants introduced tin animal money in the form of rooster, tortoise, fish and crocodile. During Zheng He's trade missions in Malacca, copper coins were issued and used by most merchants but were subsequently replaced with tin which were mined and minted in Malacca.

Dances of Malaysian

Dances of Sabah and Sarawak

Perhaps the region of Malaysia which is most blessed with forms of dance is Sabah and Sarawak. The sheer variety reflects the many different ethnic groups of the land. The Sumazau is often regarded as the state dance of Sabah. It is simple, yet graceful and evocative, as the dancers, clad in authentic Kadazan black velvet sway like birds to the sound of gongs. In the neighbouring state of Sarawak , Datun Julud, a female dance of the Orang Ulu tribe of Sarawak is performed with typical grace and beauty with a distinct costume that include feathers that are attached to the hands giving the impression of birds in flight. The movement vocabulary simply focuses on changing weight from one leg to the other in an almost pedestrian manner making it earthbound while the use of the arms gives it a lifted and light impression. As for Kanjet Ngeleput, this dance is also from the orang Ulu tribe of Sarawak. The dance of a male warrior is largely improvised deriving and depicting the activity of hunting. The manner of placing and transference of weight is particularly interesting, beginning with the heel and through the outside of the foot while the arms maintain a gentle swaying quality but is fairly straight.

The expressive power of dance as an art form has endured for centuries, in many different parts of the world. Malaysia, with her rich intermingling of cultures, has a particularly rich and varied dance heritage.

Whether performed by Malays, Chinese, Indians or by the people of Sabah and Sarawak, each performance is a rich tapestry which weaves together exquisite costumes and equally delicate and expressive movements. Whether telling a story, celebrating life itself, the Dances of Malaysia are among our most cherished and cultural traditions.

Filem Setem


Gabenor Melaka (Lord Arthur Barring) pada 1847 mahukan sesuatu untuk diingati oleh generasi seterusnya. Beliau melantik seorang pembuat jam untuk mencipta sekeping setem. Tetapi setem tersebut ditertawakan oleh Gabenor India kerana terdapat kesilapan. Lord Arthur Barring marah lalu membuang setem tersebut, yang kemudiannya dikutip oleh cucunya….

Pada tahun 2008, Charles Barring IV mengadakan sidang akhbar di A Famosa. Beliau mempamerkan warisan keluarganya, Setem Barring. Setem Barring melalui perjalanan yang panjang dan kini kembali ke bumi Melaka, di mana ia dihasilkan. Ianya akan dipamerkan di Muzium Melaka. Sid dan Joe menghadiri sidang akhbar itu, dengan tujuan mahu mencuri setem yang dianggarkan bernilai 2 juta ringgit. Sebenarnya, Pak Ramli yang memaksa Sid dan Joe mencuri setem itu untuk menampung kos membeli tanah tapak rumah anak-anak yatim yang diuruskannya. Pak Ramli memerlukan RM 500,000.00. Mahu tidak mahu, Sid dan Joe terpaksa melakukannya kerana budi Pak Ramli yang mendidik mereka di rumah anak yatim tersebut.

Namun, bukan sahaja Sid dan Joe yang mahukan setem itu. Piranha Lim, seorang ketua kumpulan Ah Long juga berminat. Begitu juga dengan Vellu yang bekerja sebagai pemandu di syarikat keselamatan yang akan membawa setem tersebut ke muzium. Masing-masing merancang untuk mendapatkan setem tersebut. Oleh kerana begitu banyak perancangan yang dilakukan untuk setem tersebut, keadaan menjadi kacau-bilau.

Siapakah yang memilikinya? Apa pula berlaku kepada mereka semua? Nantikan kemunculan ‘SETEM’ di pawagam berhampiran anda…..

Harga Setem Naik

KUALA LUMPUR: Harga setem pos dalam negeri akan lebih tinggi berkuatkuasa Julai ini sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi Pos Malaysia Bhd untuk meningkatkan produktiviti dan kecekapannya.

Ini adalah kali pertama Pos Malaysia menyemak harga (setem) sejak pengkorporatannya pada 1992, menurut kenyataan syarikat itu di sini hari ini.
Pengarah Urusan/Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulannya, Datuk Syed Faisal Albar, berkata kenaikan itu akan memberikan dana tambahan bagi Pos Malaysia menyediakan perkhidmatan yang lebih berkualiti, setara dengan amalan terbaik antarabangsa.
"Dalam tempoh 18 tahun kebelakangan ini, kami telah menyaksikan penyusutan berterusan jumlah mel awam dan Pos Malaysia telah mengambil langkah untuk mengawal kos di samping mengekalkan produktiviti kami.

"Pada masa yang sama, ini telah menjejaskan keupayaan syarikat melaraskan gaji posmen dan kerani kaunternya yang 19 peratus lebih rendah daripada rakan sejawatan mereka dalam kerajaan.

"Penstrukturan semula gaji posmen dan kerani kaunter akan dilakukan serentak dengan kenaikan harga setem pos domestik," katanya.

Penstrukturan semula gaji akan menjadi satu rangsangan moral bagi kaki tangan operasi sejajar dengan langkahnya untuk meningkatkan prouktiviti dan komitmen mereka ke arah memberikan perkhidmatan yang lebih berkualiti.
Apabila dilaksanakan nanti, harga setem pos domestik bagi mel standard seberat hingga 20 gram akan dinaikkan daripada 30 sen kepada 60 sen dan mel seberat hingga 50 gram harga setem akan dinaikkan daripada 40 sen kepada 70 sen.

Kenaikan harga ini juga membabitkan mel standard yang beratnya kurang daripada 50 gram, mel bukan standard yang beratnya kurang daripada 100 gram, bahan cetak berkala, PosDokumen, mel berdaftar dan bungkusan kurang daripada dua kilogram.

Bagaimanapun, kenaikan ini tidak membabitkan mel bukan standard melebihi 100 gram hingga dua kilogram, Peti Surat, beg berkunci dan serahan tingkap.

Pada masa ini, setem pos domestik (30 sen bagi mel standard yang beratnya hingga 20 gram) adalah yang terendah dalam Asean selepas Thailand.

Dalam kalangan negara Asean, harga setem pos domestik Filipina (pada berat yang sama) adalah yang tertinggi iaitu 66 sen, diikuti oleh Singapura (62 sen), Indonesia (54 sen) dan Brunei (47 sen).

Sementara itu, sejajar dengan aspirasi 1Malaysia Kerajaan, Pos Malaysia akan memperkenalkan Mel Rakyat pada Mei untuk memenuhi keperluan orang yang masih memilih untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan pos pada harga yang lebih rendah.

Mel Rakyat yang bentuk dan fungsinya serupa dengan mel udara, akan dikenakan kadar tunggal 30 sen bagi penghantaran ke mana-mana alamat dalam Malaysia.

Dengan Mel Rakyat, pelanggan individu yang menyumbang sembilan peratus jumlah mel Pos Malaysia, masih mempunyai pilihan menikmati kadar pos yang lebih rendah bagi keperluan mel domestik mereka. - Bernama

Pegumpulan Setem

Mengumpul setem adalah tidak sama dengan Filateli, yang merupakan kajian tentang setem. Seorang Filatelis boleh, tetapi tidak harus, mengumpul setem. Banyak kolektor mengumpul untuk kesenangan semata-mata dan secara suka-suka tanpa bimbang tentang butiran kecil.

Stem sering dikumpulkan untuk nilai sejarah dan aspek geografi dan ianya juga dikumpulkan untuk pelbagai subjek mulai dari kapal, kuda, burung, Raja, Ratu dan Presiden.

Pengumpulan Setem merupakan sumber pendapatan penting bagi beberapa negara yang membuat setem secara terhad dan rumit yang dirancang terutama untuk dibeli oleh pengumpul setem. Setem yang dihasilkan oleh negara-negara ini boleh melebihi keperluan pos dari negara-negara terbabit dan menjadi koleksi pengumpul setem untuk membuat koleksi setem yang menarik untuk album mereka.


Stamp collecting is not the same as philately, which is the study of stamps. A philatelist may, but does not have to, collect stamps. Many casual stamp collectors accumulate stamps for sheer enjoyment and relaxation without worrying about the tiny details. The creation of a large or comprehensive collection, however, may require some philatelic knowledge.

Postage stamps are often collected for their historical value and geographical aspects and they are also collected for the many different subjects that have been depicted on them, ranging from ships, horses, birds, Kings, Queens and Presidents. No matter what your interest, there are almost always stamps that will complement that interest.[2]

Stamp collectors are an important source of income for some countries who create limited runs of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors. The stamps produced by these countries may exceed the postal needs of the countries, but may also feature attractive topical designs that many collectors would like to have in their stamp album.

Malaysian Made Vehicles - Gen 2

The proton's mark of pride found on every PROTON car features a snarling tiger, displaying strength and courage, and symbolizing the company's boldness of competing in the highly aggressive world of international automotive manufacturing. Of the 11 car-producing nations around the globe. Malaysia, the smallest and youngest car manufacturer can today proudly lay claim to having successfully produced a car from scratch in only 20 years, half the time taken by other well-established names in the motoring world The PROTON Gen-2 has concluded the full circle of the company's evolution - from car assembler to a full-fledged automotive engineering company thriving on Malaysian talent, innovation and technology- Its launch in February 2004 also marked the unveiling of the PROTON Platinum logo - the molten tiger - to signify premier products and services pledged to all customers of PROTON.

Migration Bird in Malaysia

Malaysia's shores welcome millions of tourists every year. Among them, a very special group of visitors who need neither passports nor visas, although many have flown hundreds, or indeed, thousands of miles to be here.

They are Malaysia's migratory birds, from North Asia, Europe and elsewhere.

Like many of their human counterparts, these visitors are escaping the onset of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. They are attracted to Malaysia by our warm, sunny climate and the abundance of food.

Among the most striking of these visitors is the Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea). The Purple Heron seeks secluded wetlands and marshes throughout Peninsular Malaysia. It is known to be shy and reclusive, and is therefore difficult to spot, despite its large size (adults can attain up to 90 cm in height). However, a glimpse of its exquisite plumage of chestnut and maroon, with a faint purplish tinge, makes the effort worthwhile.

The Crested Honey - Buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus) visits our country from its breeding grounds in remote Siberia. It soars gracefully on air currents, punctuating its flights with high-pitched calls as it seeks out bee hives from which it feeds on honey and bee larvae. These birds have been sighted at Sepang in Selangor, Tanjung Tuan in Melaka and Pulau Kukup in Johor.

To catch a glimpse of the Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna bengalensis), take a drive to the coast, particularly near Langkawi. If you're lucky, you'll witness their spectacular plunging dives into the waves to catch fish. Another water lover, although perhaps less adventurous, is the Dunlin (Calidris alpina), which leaves the bitter cold of Alaska and the Artic Circle to walk delicately along Malaysian mudflats and sandbars, where it wades into shallow water looking for choice morsels. Surprisingly, the Brown-headed Gull (Larus brunnicephalus). a visitor from the highlands of Turkmenistan and Mongolia, can be found well inland, in addition to its more expected haunts of open seacoasts, estuaries and rivers.

The Black-capped Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata) ventures further north tan any other kingfisher species during summer. From its home in China or Korea, it travels south in winter along our rivers, swamps and even the mangrove forests of Johor. This is one of the larger members of the kingfisher family, growing up to 28 cm in length. Its powerful red bill snaps up insects, fish and frogs with equal ease, and is also used to excavate its riverbank nest.

Rickshaw Stamp

In the days before automobiles, there were various modes of transportation that people in Malaysia used, in accordance to the prevalent needs and cultures. People from different races and cultures brought and introduced different kinds of transportation, but all with the same objective of getting to one place to another.


This trishaw originated from Parit Jawa, Muar, Johore. It is painted in green, red, black and yellow, the favourite colours of the era. The hood, made of canvas, can easily be opened or closed when necessary. The seat is made from coconut husk and is complete with a backrest. The trishaw can carry two adult passengers and one or two children.

30 sen Definitive Booklet - Kelantan 30 sen Definitive Booklet - Kelantan

Traditional Transportation 2004 Booklet

Padi Horse

The padi horse is synonymous with the Bajau community in Kota Belud, Sabah. It also serves as a family status. A famous and influential family would usually own many horses. The padi horse is used as a mode of transport to the padi fields or towns, as well as for the village head to patrol the village. It is also ridden during important social functions or celebrations like weddings and the annual Tamu Besar event.

The Bullock

The bullock cart was used as a means of transportation since the 1400's and is believed to have been introduced by the Indian community in Malacca. Other than for carrying passengers, it was also used to carry goods. A pair of healthy bulls were usually hitched to pull the cart.

Kumpul Stem satu hobi yang lumayan

Bagi kebanyakan orang, setem hanyalah kepingan kertas kecil yang ditampal di bahagian atas sampul surat. Tetapi tahukah anda, bentuk dan tebukan pada setem mewakili zaman serta perkembangan sejarah sesuatu negara?
Kajian mengenai bentuk, jenis, warna, tebukan dan penghantaran pos ini dipanggil filateli. Setiap setem yang dihasilkan mempunyai cerita dan sejarah berkait rapat dengan pemerintahan dan teknologi pada satu-satu masa.

Perkataan filateli dikatakan dicipta oleh Georges Herpin di Perancis pada 1864. Ia berasal daripada dua perkataan Greek iaitu philos bermaksud mencintai dan llateleiall bermakna percuma.

Pada awalnya, ia meliputi kajian label yang mewakili pembayaran perkhidmatan pos. Dari situ, ia berkembang kepada kajian koleksi sistematik setem, poskad, sampul surat dan bahan pos lain.

Maka, tidak hairanlah ada yang sanggup berhabis ribuan ringgit hanya untuk memiliki koleksi setem sebelum merdeka. Ada juga yang sanggup merentasi benua untuk menyaksikan sendiri pameran setem di sesebuah negara.

Tiada siapa yang mengetahui sejak bila filateli menjadi hobi. Bagaimanapun, ada yang menyatakan kegiatan mengumpul setem mula mendapat perhatian apabila album setem pertama dikeluarkan di England pada 1852.
Semakin ramai orang mula mengikuti aliran untuk mengumpul setem, menyumbang kepada perkembangan filateli. Hobi ini tidak terhad kepada rakyat biasa dan mula berkembang di kalangan atasan termasuk golongan istana.

Antara koleksi setem terbesar dan tertua dunia dikatakan dimiliki oleh Ratu England.

Peminat filateli tegar di Malaysia, memiliki persatuan sendiri iaitu Persatuan Filateli di Malaysia. Ia menjalin kerjasama rapat dengan Biro Filateli Malaysia dikendalikan oleh Pos Malaysia.

Antara objektif penubuhannya adalah menukar persepsi masyarakat mengumpul setem bukanlah hanya hobi tetapi, aktiviti yang boleh membawa pulangan lumayan.

Biro ini memainkan peranan aktif dalam menyemai minat mengumpul setem di kalangan pelajar sekolah. Selain itu, ia mewujudkan Galeri Setem di ibu pejabat Pos Malaysia di bangunan Dayabumi, Kuala Lumpur.

Pengunjung ke galeri ini berpeluang melihat koleksi setem yang pernah dihasilkan di Malaysia. Antaranya, setem khas sempena penganjuran acara antarabangsa, peristiwa bersejarah dan setem kenang-kenangan edisi terhad.

Kaki tangan terlatih sedia melayan sebarang pertanyaan mengenai setem yang dipamerkan di sini. Sejak dibuka, ia turut menarik kunjungan peminat setem yang datang dari seluruh pelusuk dunia.

Setiap tahun, biro ini memperkenalkan lebih 10 tema koleksi setem dan bahan filateli untuk memenuhi permintaan peminat setem di negara ini.

Untuk kemudahan pengunjung, kaunter khas dibuka untuk mereka yang ingin membeli setem, sampul surat hari pertama, fail, buku setem, album tahunan dan album khas.